
Monitor Daily Podcast

July 10, 2023
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Angela Wang
Staff editor

Kansas state Rep. Rui Xu’s district looks nothing like the Kansas of wheat fields and grain silos. A century ago, thousands of acres of suburbs here were planned by a visionary who prioritized green spaces, curving roads, and beautiful design. That developer also pioneered the use of homes associations and restrictive racial covenants – racist restrictions written into housing deeds to keep neighborhoods white, forever.  

Segregation was thought necessary for social order. Real estate developers nationwide spread the use of racial clauses, and later the federal government joined in with redlining. Racial covenants became unenforceable by a 1948 Supreme Court ruling and then illegal by the federal Fair Housing Act of 1968. But the language still exists in deeds – and the effects linger. 

Researchers at the University of Minnesota began mapping racial covenants in 2016. A steady trickle of states has since passed laws that more easily allow residents to remove a racial covenant from documents that are notoriously difficult to change. This May, a Washington state law established down-payment assistance for homebuyers whose families were disadvantaged by racial covenants. 

In Kansas, constituents urged Mr. Xu – the only Asian American currently elected to the Kansas state Legislature – to introduce a bill last year to redact racial covenants. Homeowners are often shocked to discover these clauses in paperwork attached to their homes. While Mr. Xu's bill is now dead, the Democrat has supported a similar Republican bill that cleared the House. When the Senate reconvenes in January, it may consider the bill.

Says Mr. Xu: “Even the staunchest conservatives are like, yeah, get those off the books.” 

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Today’s stories

And why we wrote them

Turkey is a valued member of NATO for its military strength and strategic location. But it’s often at odds with members. That came to a head in a dispute over Sweden. Monday brought a breakthrough.

A deeper look

Ben Curtis/AP/File
A heap of plastic bottles awaits recycling in Kenya.

As the swell of waste from disposable plastics increases, communities are finding there’s no easy fix. The solution may require a societal shift.

Howard LaFranchi/The Christian Science Monitor
A dress rehearsal takes place for the Odesa Opera’s production of the ballet "Thumbelina," based on the Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale, June 14, 2023, in Odesa, Ukraine.

For most people, how relevant an art form is opera? In the Ukrainian Black Sea port of Odesa, a community living under the clouds of war, what has been dismissed as elitist elsewhere has emerged as a pillar of strength and support.

Melanie Stetson Freeman/Staff
Mehmet Gürkan Tığoğlu gives a stray dog with mites some food in Antakya, Turkey, on May 26, 2023.

Amid the human death tolls in natural disasters, animals are often an afterthought. But some aid workers make a point to prioritize care for lost pets.

The Monitor's View

In this June 30 photo provided by the Philippine Coast Guard, a Chinese Coast Guard ship, right, allegedly obstructs Philippine Coast Guard vessel Malabrigo as it provided support during a re-supply mission near Second Thomas Shoal, South China Sea.

Maritime borders in the South China Sea are, to say the least, a touchy topic. Last week, for example, Vietnam banned distribution of the new “Barbie” movie because it includes an image of a map showing China’s ownership of islands claimed by Hanoi. Violent clashes between China and the various countries in this vital waterway have become increasingly common. That is why, as the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations meets this week, it is worth noting two recent examples of peaceful ways to resolve these watery disputes.

In December, ASEAN’s largest member, Indonesia, signed a historic agreement with Vietnam to demarcate their respective offshore economic zones after 12 years of talks. Then last month, Malaysia and Indonesia inked a deal to delimit their territorial seas in parts of the Strait of Malacca and the Sulawesi Sea after 18 years of negotiations.

Both treaties were accomplished without the parties going to the International Court of Justice, as the Philippines had to do to assert its island claims against Chinese encroachment – though it won a strong ruling in 2016. ASEAN leaders know they must not only clean up their own maritime disputes but also do so through peaceful negotiations. That sets a model of trust that might push China to do the same under the norms and principles of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

“If Southeast Asian ... claimant states could settle their bilateral maritime boundary disputes, collectively as ASEAN, then they might have a stronger position to negotiate a Code of Conduct for the South China Sea ... or some other mechanism with China,” wrote Bich Tran, a fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, in Fulcrum.

In recent decades, China’s assertive taking of islands more than 1,000 miles from Chinese shores has resulted in many clashes with ASEAN states. In response, the bloc’s members – Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam – plan to hold their first joint navy drills near a disputed area of the South China Sea in September.

The more that Southeast Asian states abide by the Law of the Sea treaty, “the more the region can demonstrate resistance and agency against China’s increasingly bold claims and actions,” stated Ms. Tran. Keeping the high sea peaceful will require sticking to the highest principles of international maritime law.

A Christian Science Perspective

About this feature

Each weekday, the Monitor includes one clearly labeled religious article offering spiritual insight on contemporary issues, including the news. The publication – in its various forms – is produced for anyone who cares about the progress of the human endeavor around the world and seeks news reported with compassion, intelligence, and an essentially constructive lens. For many, that caring has religious roots. For many, it does not. The Monitor has always embraced both audiences. The Monitor is owned by a church – The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston – whose founder was concerned with both the state of the world and the quality of available news.

The love that God expresses in and through all of His children empowers us to overcome social anxieties, nurturing positive interactions with others.


Ashley Landis/AP
Josh Awotunde blows away a bug as he competes in the men’s shot put during the United States track and field championships in Eugene, Oregon, Sunday, July 9.
( The illustrations in today’s Monitor Daily are by Karen Norris. )

A look ahead

Thank you for coming to the Monitor to start your week. Please come back tomorrow when we look at the return to the office post-pandemic. With new mothers long facing significant home-life challenges in the workplace, how have things changed, if at all? Are companies more open to flexible schedules? 

Also, we wanted to note that last Wednesday’s intro misstated how far Yusef Salaam has gone in his electoral bid for a New York City Council seat. He has won the Democratic primary.

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