
Monitor Daily Podcast

May 04, 2023
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Mark Sappenfield
Senior global correspondent

The video is spectacular, and the event was surely intended to be so. Through the grainy eye of a surveillance camera, a drone descends toward the heart of the Kremlin and explodes. Ukraine intended to kill President Vladimir Putin with American help, Russian authorities say. Nonsense, Ukrainians and Americans respond.

So, what really happened?

Was it the Ukrainians, worried that their spring counteroffensive might falter, or simply eager to take out the leader laying siege to their country?

Or was it the Kremlin itself? Was it a so-called false flag operation – in which Russian air defenses destroyed the threat – aimed at stirring Russians to greater anger and enthusiasm for the war, or to generate support for a bid to assassinate Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy?

That was the question we were asking ourselves at the Monitor this morning. And even among our international team – journalists who have covered Russia and the nefarious methods of warfare worldwide for decades – there was no agreement.

Except on one thing: “We absolutely don’t know, and we probably never will know,” says Peter Ford, the head of our international department.

That, of course, doesn’t sit very well today, when everything can be seemingly known with the flick of a thumb. We don’t like it much, either. Journalists live to find answers. When we do not have them, we sometimes indulge in responsible speculation that can serve the useful function of framing possibilities. But taken too far, it provides fuel for false narratives that can solidify into conspiracy theories that mislead and confuse.

There are important questions to consider. Is Mr. Putin a legitimate military target? for example. But assigning importance to an event without understanding it is a fraught business.

“Yes, it’s spectacular, but we always have to be cautious about the spectacular,” Peter says. “A spectacular event does not always mean there will be spectacular political ramifications.”

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Today’s stories

And why we wrote them

Scott Peterson/Getty Images/The Christian Science Monitor
Ukrainian teacher Olha Lytenko works with students in a hybrid classroom that combines teaching and online learning, as local officials seek to restore services in areas that had been occupied by Russian troops, in Lyman, Ukraine, April 25, 2023.

By restoring vital services in liberated areas of Ukraine, where many had pro-Russian sympathies, local officials aim to rebuild residents’ trust in Kyiv’s government and hope for a shared Ukrainian future.

At a critical juncture in their relationship, the United States and China distrust each other and talk little. Their ability to take responsibility for shaping a path forward matters deeply to the world, our columnist writes. 

The ability to criticize the government without retaliation lies at the heart of the First Amendment. What happens when it’s a corporation doing the criticizing?

Points of Progress

What's going right

In our progress roundup, there’s a dedication to repairing the divisions that people have caused – in nature and in the world of art.

Sue Wunder
Rocky pauses for a portrait along a path that runs by the Marchenbach stream near Basel, Switzerland. His owner, Etti, approves.

Animals are not given to pretense, and often their trust must be earned or won. But patience and respect are expressions of affection for those hoping to gain that trust.

The Monitor's View

Spectators in Portstewart, Northern Ireland, watch a rugby match on a big screen.

Over the past quarter century, when many of the world’s troublespots have moved toward peace, their leaders often looked to Northern Ireland as a model. A 1998 accord there ended decades of violence between the Catholic and Protestant communities. Yet a formal peace has not led to an informal melting of hearts. Housing is still largely segregated along sectarian lines. Politics remains deeply divided. The communities coexist more than commingle.

Yet in one model of palpable peace – sports – Northern Ireland shines. More children across the religious boundaries are playing the type of sports long associated with the other side – Protestants playing Gaelic football and Catholics playing rugby. Wearing the wrong jersey in the wrong place no longer gets you in trouble. A survey in 2015 found 86% of people said sports was a good way to break down social barriers. And if there’s one sport that really evokes universal joy, it is football (or soccer).

Last month, the region’s efforts at sports-oriented peace building took a big leap when the five main political parties backed a bid by the United Kingdom and Ireland to host the Euro 2028 football championship. The widespread political support “sends a message of reconciliation, generosity and that sport can unite us,” Paul McErlean, a former star in Gaelic football, told The Financial Times.

To help host the games, Northern Ireland must fix up Casement Park, an old stadium not used since 2013 in a largely Catholic part of the capital, Belfast. If the money can be found for a costly rehab of the 34,500-seat venue and Euro matches are held there, Casement Park would become “the emblem of a new Northern Ireland,” said Joe Brolly, a sports commentator. For their part, the leading politicians said the region would enjoy “an inclusive and unforgettable celebration of football.”

The blending power of sports is important for Northern Ireland because it has not gone through a formal reconciliation process to heal the scars of past violence. The region also faces the ultimate question of whether it might one day reunite with Ireland after being split off by Britain in 1921. For now, it is young sports fans, whose identity transcends old conflicts, that are driving a new direction for Northern Ireland. They prefer watching the pitch, not pitching bombs.

A Christian Science Perspective

About this feature

Each weekday, the Monitor includes one clearly labeled religious article offering spiritual insight on contemporary issues, including the news. The publication – in its various forms – is produced for anyone who cares about the progress of the human endeavor around the world and seeks news reported with compassion, intelligence, and an essentially constructive lens. For many, that caring has religious roots. For many, it does not. The Monitor has always embraced both audiences. The Monitor is owned by a church – The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston – whose founder was concerned with both the state of the world and the quality of available news.

Getting to know ourselves as God created us empowers us to push back against mental darkness, bringing peace and a deeper sense of our innate worth – as a woman experienced when she was healed of low self-esteem, medically diagnosed depression, and an eating disorder. 


Niranjan Shrestha/AP
Norwegian climber Kristin Harila speaks to her guide Tenjen Sherpa after arriving in Kathmandu, Nepal, May 4, 2023. Ms. Harila just became the fastest female climber to scale the world’s 14 highest mountains – all above 8,000 meters. Now her aim is to become the fastest person to complete the feat, beating a record set by a male climber in 2019. “If I’m going to change this sport,” she told The New York Times in February, “the best way I can do it is by showing that women are just as capable as men on these high mountains.”
( The illustrations in today’s Monitor Daily are by Jacob Turcotte and Karen Norris. )

A look ahead

Thank you for joining us today. Please come back tomorrow, when our Why We Wrote This podcast looks at how we build fairness into a profile of a polarizing political figure. The Monitor’s current congressional writer talks it over with her predecessor. 

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