
Monitor Daily Podcast

May 01, 2023
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Husna Haq
Staff editor

Twenty years ago today, President George W. Bush famously announced the end of major combat operations in Iraq aboard the U.S. aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln beneath a banner that declared “Mission Accomplished.” Of course, the war would drag on much longer, changing the lives of scores of U.S. troops – and deeply impacting a generation of Iraqis. Laith Louay is one of them.

Mr. Louay was born two months after the United States invaded Iraq in March 2003. He was 6 months old when U.S. troops killed his father, whose car was shot at en route to a medical appointment, and he was a toddler when American forces raided his house, looking for Al Qaeda fighters. When he was 11, the Islamic State group seized his town in Anbar province, forcing him to flee to Baghdad, stop his schooling, and sell corn from a street cart. Mr. Louay told his story to Al Jazeera as part of a collection of profiles.  

The war orphaned 5 million Iraqis, killed about 200,000 civilians, displaced at least 4 million people, and devastated much of Iraq’s infrastructure, economy, and cultural heritage.

The human cost is impossible to quantify, says Alannah Travers, who interviewed Mr. Louay. “My impression ... was ... how unfair the implications of war are on the most vulnerable,” she told me. But remarkably, despite all he’s been through, Mr. Louay is not bitter, she says.

He is slowly rebuilding his life, and with it, his country. Mr. Louay returned home in 2017 to establish the Al-Khair Youth Team, a small organization whose volunteers, some of whom were orphaned by the war, provide food, activities, and basic lessons to youth. He returned to high school to get his diploma. Now, he dreams of marrying his fiancée, Sara, and starting a family, as well as expanding his organization and establishing a home and school for the children he serves.

“It is ... inspiring how he has been compelled to turn his adversity into action,” Ms. Travers told me. “He is a man of strong convictions.”

Mr. Louay has ample reason to act. “I don’t want people to live the same as I did,” he told Ms. Travers. “I want this country to be safe.”

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The Monitor's View

Authoritarian regimes seldom pass up opportunities for extravagant patriotic pomp. So when Cuba’s leader, Miguel Díaz-Canel, canceled the May Day celebrations in Havana today for only the third time since 1959 (the first two times were during the pandemic), the move begged the question why.

The Cuban president blamed acute fuel shortages caused by U.S. sanctions. In years past, the government has bused in millions of workers from the hinterlands to pack the capital.

But the real reason may be something deeper – the people’s demand for freedom in response to severe economic crisis and repression. As one Cuban tweeted about the decision: “Good idea. An expensive celebration makes a mockery of the people in a time of shortages. Just get on the streets & shout what you really think!”

This mental liberation – and the government’s fear of it – is increasingly evident in this communist dictatorship. Since Mr. Díaz-Canel rose to power in 2018, his tenure has been marked by economic decline and iron-fisted intolerance. Food prices have soared, the currency has tumbled, and inflation hovers at 200%. A new penal code criminalized dissent. Roughly a third of the population has tried to emigrate since late 2021.

Those who have stayed are pushing back. Voter turnout plummeted in the largely meaningless municipal elections last November. One in four abstained in the parliamentary ballot in March that gave Mr. Díaz-Canel a second term (a foregone conclusion, since opposition candidates were barred from the ballot). Cubans turned out in mass protests in July 2021 over the government’s mishandling of the pandemic, and then again last fall over acute electricity shortages.

In a country long shaped by collectivist thinking, hardship is forging new racial unity as Cubans seek refuge in the country’s unique blend of African spirituality and Catholicism. Santería, as it is called, is “so decentralized and it allows the individual believer or practitioner to make it what they need it to be,” Katrin Hansing, an anthropologist in Cuba for City University New York, told The Associated Press last month.

Mothers have become another source of political resistance amid the shortages of daily needs, filling a space left open by the government’s repression of opposition parties. “Mothers feel the effects that certain policies or certain government inaction might have on their children,” said Amelia Calzadilla, who ignited a movement with a Facebook video asking the government to run a gas line to her block in Havana, in an interview with Al Jazeera.

The odd stillness in Revolution Square on May 1 isn’t the only sign that the government feels the pressure of discontent. In March, for the first time, it let Cuban baseball players who emigrated to the big leagues in the United States play on the national team at the World Baseball Classic.

That concession sent a signal that the aspirations of ordinary Cubans may be stronger than the regime’s tools of repression. “A country needs to be a place where people can have a beautiful life,” said Beatriz Luengo, director of a new documentary about “Patria y Vida,” a hip-hop song that has become an enduring anthem of change since the 2021 demonstrations. The title, “Country and Life,” is a play on the ruling Communist Party’s slogan “Country or death.”

A Christian Science Perspective

About this feature

Each weekday, the Monitor includes one clearly labeled religious article offering spiritual insight on contemporary issues, including the news. The publication – in its various forms – is produced for anyone who cares about the progress of the human endeavor around the world and seeks news reported with compassion, intelligence, and an essentially constructive lens. For many, that caring has religious roots. For many, it does not. The Monitor has always embraced both audiences. The Monitor is owned by a church – The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston – whose founder was concerned with both the state of the world and the quality of available news.

When finances seem vulnerable or meager, recognizing that God is always with us – giving us endless good – reveals solutions, sometimes in ways we don’t expect.  


Lee Smith/Reuters
Members of Hexham Morrismen herald the first day of May at dawn in Henshaw, England. May Day (separate from International Labor Day, which is also marked on May 1) has a long tradition in the country, and it represents the midpoint between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. Morris dancing also has a long history in England, though it has waxed and waned over the centuries. It now appears to be enjoying new popularity; according to The Guardian, there were 800 teams around the United Kingdom in 2020, with some 13,600 participants of all ages. While traditions vary, there is one constant: the bells worn around the knees.
( The illustrations in today’s Monitor Daily are by Jacob Turcotte. )

A look ahead

Thanks for joining us. Please come back tomorrow, when we’ll have a profile of former Gov. Nikki Haley as she campaigns for the GOP presidential nomination in Iowa.

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