
Monitor Daily Podcast

February 09, 2021
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Noelle Swan
Weekly Editor

Through this past year, one thing has become increasingly clear: It’s not the locale that makes the community; it’s the people.

One of our stories today explores some of the unexpected fruits of that particular lesson. When churches shut their doors to comply with restrictions on in-person gatherings, many religious leaders discovered new ways to nurture and grow their communities online. In some cases, that meant former parishioners who had moved away could rejoin a loved community. In others, it meant a chance to bring new people into the fold, regardless of where they live.

Our story focuses on Christian churches, but other religious communities have discovered unexpected benefits in making space for virtual gatherings.

When the annual pilgrimage to Mecca was restricted last summer, virtual offerings suddenly made participation possible for Muslims who could not afford or otherwise manage to travel to Saudi Arabia. Similarly, in Jewish communities, virtual shiva enabled a broader range of friends and family to join in the traditional rituals of mourning.

Virtual communities aren’t entirely new. People have been convening online in chat rooms and digital forums since the 1990s. But for the bulk of society, a clear dividing line separated the digital world from what many consider real life. The pandemic changed all that.

A crisis that isolated us has also brought new ways to connect.

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Today’s stories

And why we wrote them

Impeachment proceedings aren’t only about the final result, but also about establishing a precedent and shaping public opinion.

A deeper look

Jenna Sullivan/Wilshire Baptist Church
Pastoral resident Leanna Coyle-Carr plays guitar during a livestreamed vespers service in Dallas on Dec 2, 2020.

Can fellowship be forged through a computer screen? For these churches, the answer has become a resounding yes.


In this jangly cultural moment, with good and bad news bombarding us, our columnist found in Amanda Gorman’s Super Bowl appearance the hope of a future as inclusive and mission-driven as this Gen Zer’s poetry.


Colette Davidson
Aboubacar Drame, who left his home in Mali for the Canary Islands in 2006, works with new arrivals at the Deamenac Ayagaures. As the Canaries face a swell of migration, he has extended his efforts beyond his 9-to-5 job to volunteer with migrants on nights and weekends.

How do you carve out a place of belonging in a land far from home? In the Canary Islands, former migrants are drawing from their own experiences to ease the path for newcomers.

Karen Norris/Staff

The Monitor's View

Former guerrillas of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) participate in a protest demanding security guarantees and compliance with the peace agreements signed with the government, in Bogota, Colombia, Nov. 1.

As the U.S. Senate begins hearing an impeachment case against former President Donald Trump, the trial raises basic questions common to many countries coming out of traumatic periods: Will it improve national unity? Is airing the evidence enough? How does justice balance punishment and mercy?

Over the past few decades, a handful of countries emerging from protracted conflict have sought national reconciliation by tying forgiveness to accountability and unity to advancement of the collective good. Most have fallen short of the mark, but case by case humanity is refining the model. One example is taking place now in Colombia.

In 2016 the government and a guerrilla movement called the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) signed a peace accord ending a 52-year civil war that left as many as 220,000 people dead with 5.7 million people displaced. Both sides were accused of gross human rights violations and summary executions.

The peace deal has three main components. First, it seeks to extend the government’s reach throughout the country to address rural poverty and lawlessness that were the root of the conflict. Second, it calls for disarming and reintegrating former combatants and tackling the narcotics trade. One novel provision guaranteed the FARC – which was allowed to become a political party – 10 seats in Congress through 2026. And third, it addresses victims’ rights through reparations as well as prosecutions that would exchange leniency to perpetrators for full disclosure of their politically motivated violence.

The accord built on lessons from South Africa’s attempt at post-apartheid reconciliation from 1996 to 2003. That process tied amnesty for politically motivated crimes to a person’s admission of truth and then expression of remorse. While it produced a common narrative of South Africa’s past by bringing victims and perpetrators together in public hearings, it faltered in the follow-through. The government lost interest in prosecuting perpetrators who were denied amnesty. Just as crucial, it largely failed to alleviate poverty.

Since signing its peace pact, Colombia has shown similar vulnerabilities. Many parts of the country remain beyond the reach of the government. Territorial conflicts continue, hundreds of community leaders have been killed, development and land reform have stalled, and thousands of people continue to be displaced.

But Colombia’s transitional justice process learned from the weaknesses in South Africa’s approach. It established a special judicial panel to investigate cases and decide what penalties to apply. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa had the power to grant amnesty but not to prosecute. In Colombia, the same panel that holds the carrot also wields the stick. While perpetrators can earn leniency by cooperating, there’s no free pass. They still face sentences requiring them to contribute to the peace accord’s restorative aims. And unlike South Africa, Colombia is starting with those who ordered atrocities rather than the foot soldiers who carried them out.

That compact now faces its first test. On Jan. 28 the special judicial panel issued its first indictments. Eight FARC leaders, two of whom now hold seats in Congress, stand accused of gross human rights abuses. Having already made earlier acknowledgments of their offenses, they are expected to accept the charges. If that happens, the public’s acceptance of leniency will almost certainly be tested. If they admit their crimes before the panel, the FARC leaders will be required to contribute to redressing the harm done to victims rather than facing prolonged incarceration. But they won’t stand trial or face life sentences. The two members of Congress may even keep their seats.

As jarring as that might be for victims, it is still the better outcome, argues Yesid Reyes, a human rights professor at the University of the Andes in Bogotá. “What is preferable,” he asked in an interview with CE Noticias Financieras: “Five hundred theoretical years in prison or eight effective years of a sanction that, in addition, has led former guerrillas to publicly acknowledge their responsibility, ask for forgiveness, and bring truth – apart from fulfilling the obligation to cooperate in reparations for victims?”

From Rwanda to Sierra Leone to South Africa, and now to Colombia, the evidence continues to mount that truth, contrition, forgiveness, personal reformation, not just punishment, also hold the power to heal broken societies. Each country can build on the experience of others in refining humanity’s insights on the needs for justice considered along with unity and progress.

A Christian Science Perspective

About this feature

Each weekday, the Monitor includes one clearly labeled religious article offering spiritual insight on contemporary issues, including the news. The publication – in its various forms – is produced for anyone who cares about the progress of the human endeavor around the world and seeks news reported with compassion, intelligence, and an essentially constructive lens. For many, that caring has religious roots. For many, it does not. The Monitor has always embraced both audiences. The Monitor is owned by a church – The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston – whose founder was concerned with both the state of the world and the quality of available news.

As the impeachment trial begins in the U.S. Senate, we can all play a role in supporting the spiritual loyalty that opens the way to harmony, progress, and healing.

A message of love

Channi Anand/AP
An Indian farmer carries turnips after harvesting them from a field in Kanachak village, on the outskirts of Jammu, India, on Feb. 9, 2021. Tens of thousands of farmers have been in India's capital to protest new agricultural laws they say will leave them poorer and at the mercy of corporations. The protests are posing a major challenge to the government of Narendra Modi, who has billed the laws as necessary to modernize Indian farming.
( The illustrations in today’s Monitor Daily are by Karen Norris. )

A look ahead

Thanks for joining us today. Come back tomorrow when Martin Kuz will explore the overlap between far-right extremists and former members of the U.S. military.

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