
Monitor Daily Podcast

August 13, 2020
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Eva Botkin-Kowacki
Science, environment, and technology writer

For parents-to-be, the ultrasound is typically a powerful moment: They get a first glimpse of their child. But traditional ultrasound technology doesn’t allow that experience for people who are visually impaired.

So a doctor in Maryland has turned to 3D printing technology for a touching solution. Using specialized ultrasound technology, she was able to print a model of the face of the fetus that the expectant parents could feel. 

In recent years, 3D printing has been used for all kinds of innovations – silly and meaningful alike. People have printed art, musical instruments, prostheses, and even a beak for an injured toucan.

Receiving the 3D printed model was “really emotional,” Taylor Ellis, the mother-to-be, told The Washington Post. “I was a little bit nervous about opening the box,” she said. “I had never seen a 3-D [image], and now, it’s your baby, and it’s, like, wow.”

For Melissa Riccobono, president of the Maryland Parents of Blind Children, who is visually impaired herself, this is an exciting possibility – not just for visually impaired parents.

“For families, instead of having to show them a picture of an ultrasound, how cool it would be for them to get their hands on it, what the baby is like now,” she told the Post. “It’s a really cool way to meet that little being inside of you before you actually meet that little being.”

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Today’s stories

And why we wrote them

Johnny Hanson/Houston Chronicle/AP/File
National Rifle Association members listen to speakers during its annual meeting in Houston in 2013. The NRA has been cutting staff and salaries amid the pandemic. The cuts come against the backdrop of internal turmoil, legal challenges, and a revolt among some of its members.

Outside lawsuits and internal revolts for the once-powerful organization come at a time when more Americans – and more diverse Americans – are buying guns. Not all say the NRA speaks for them.

Muhammad Hamed/Reuters
Teachers protest in Amman, Jordan, Oct. 3, 2019. A strike last fall secured a government pledge to honor a promised pay increase beginning this fall. Now a dispute between the teachers union and the government is undermining trust in Jordan's coronavirus response.

From arrests to media blackouts, Jordan’s harsh response to teachers’ protests has been a surprise. Spurred, perhaps, by an economy weakened by the pandemic, the government is imperiling its own public health success.

Anti-Semitism is a constant concern in Germany, but as great a worry is Islamophobia. The country's 5 million Muslims are increasingly part of the fabric of society, but anti-Muslim incidents are on the rise too.


While many Americans have come to associate the U.S. Postal Service with junk mail, for many in Black middle-class families, the post office has long been a source of stability.

Sophie Hills/The Christian Science Monitor
Yvonne 'Beba' Rosen (right) puts a trap line through the hauler on her lobster boat, "Gimmie a Hulla," in Carvers Harbor, Vinalhaven, Maine.

Before the pandemic, New England lobstermen benefited from warming waters and high demand. Choppy waters lie ahead.

The Monitor's View

Nati Harnik/AP
A bicyclist rides past a statue of University of Nebraska football players in Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 12. The Big Ten won't play football this fall because of concerns about COVID-19.

No one wanted this. The 2020 U.S. college football season is teetering on the verge of collapse, leaving behind a host of emotional, cultural, public health, and financial questions. Future fans may look back at this moment as a turning point, when the sport made its most radical changes in many a year.

Earlier this week two top football conferences – the Big Ten and the PAC-12 – announced they were canceling their fall schedules. So far the other conferences in the Power Five – the Big 12, ACC, and SEC – still plan to play. But a steady stream of individual players, including some seen as future professional stars, are deciding to sit out the season. And more teams in lower-level leagues are opting out too.

At best it will be the strangest college football season in memory, with the remaining teams trying to play without endangering the health of players, coaches, or fans during a pandemic. Will fans be allowed in the stands? Can the pregame and postgame celebrations be held safely? Can a national championship be determined when many teams won’t even be competing?

The loss of revenue will severely impact athletic department budgets, and revenue-starved universities are unlikely to make up the difference. Millions of dollars in football revenue underwrite the cost of other collegiate sports, many of which will now be canceled as well. Local businesses will suffer as fans no longer travel to games or spend money before and after.

Last spring few could imagine that the pandemic would linger into the fall. Now only tough choices remain. 

For many, no college football will only add to disorienting feelings of the loss of normalcy. College football represents many things, but one of the best is that it is fun, a welcome diversion from the cares of everyday life. 

Now concerns for the safety of the athletes and others have, for some, made cancellation an unwelcome but necessary option. After long discussions with experts, “it became abundantly clear that there was too much uncertainty regarding potential medical risks to allow our student-athletes to compete this fall,” Big Ten Commissioner Kevin Warren explained in a statement.

The pandemic has also magnified an issue already simmering in college football: whether players are being properly compensated as the central performers in what has become a multibillion-dollar entertainment enterprise. Last year $1.7 billion was spent on advertising during games alone.

Talk of forming players unions has grown, both among those athletes who want to skip this season and those who want to play. The student athletes receive scholarships, but at least for stars they hardly represent the players’ true financial value to the school. If teams insist on playing this fall, and players’ health is seen as having been jeopardized, the move toward players organizing to protect themselves will only strengthen. 

These young athletes must each weigh the pros and cons of playing during a pandemic. At the same time, the huge financial underpinnings of big-time college football are being further exposed.

Where this will lead remains unclear. But those who love the game will have an opportunity to improve it.

A Christian Science Perspective

About this feature

Each weekday, the Monitor includes one clearly labeled religious article offering spiritual insight on contemporary issues, including the news. The publication – in its various forms – is produced for anyone who cares about the progress of the human endeavor around the world and seeks news reported with compassion, intelligence, and an essentially constructive lens. For many, that caring has religious roots. For many, it does not. The Monitor has always embraced both audiences. The Monitor is owned by a church – The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston – whose founder was concerned with both the state of the world and the quality of available news.

Sometimes our health or other circumstances seem uncertain. But praying with Bible-based ideas from Mary Baker Eddy’s book “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” empowers us to feel God’s healing, guiding love – as a man experienced when he came down with a sore throat in a country far from home, right when the coronavirus began rapidly proliferating around the world.

A message of love

Ringo H.W. Chiu/AP
A firefighter fixes a U.S. flag hanging on a firetruck during the Lake Hughes fire in Angeles National Forest on Aug. 12, 2020, north of Santa Clarita, California. The fast-moving blaze spread to 10,500 acres overnight.
( The illustrations in today’s Monitor Daily are by Jacob Turcotte. )

A look ahead

Thanks for joining us today. Come back tomorrow. We’ll explore how a group of former prisoners is helping newly released offenders in California transition back into life on the outside.

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