
Monitor Daily Podcast

September 25, 2017
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Mark Sappenfield
Senior global correspondent

The protests by National Football League players this weekend sparked raw emotions and striking images. Standing with arms linked, they opposed comments by President Trump Friday that those who kneel during the national anthem to protest police violence were “sons of b-----s” who should be “fired.”

Before this weekend, the NFL’s relationship with protesting players was at best awkward. There was support, but it was muted.

Why? Some 63 percent of white Americans say the protests are inappropriate, according to one poll. But 70 percent of NFL players are black, and 74 percent of black Americans support the protests. This weekend, the NFL took a side.

There were boos. A former New England Patriots player said he was “ashamed” by players kneeling. A current Patriots player saw something different in his teammates.

“One thing about football is that it brings so many guys together, guys that you would never have the opportunity to be around,” said quarterback Tom Brady, a Trump supporter, on Monday. “We’re all different. We’re all unique. That’s what makes us all so special.”

Here are our five stories for today, which examine self-government, political identity, and the deeper power of economic growth. 

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Today’s stories

And why we wrote them

Bram Janssen/AP
A voter leaves a security checkpoint for women before entering a polling station in the disputed city of Kirkuk, northern Iraq, Sept. 25. Iraq's Kurdish region is voting in a nonbinding referendum on whether to secede from Iraq.

The Kurds have been a century-long Mideast asterisk – a people without a country. Today's independence referendum is a symbolic step to address that. It's nonbinding and just in Iraq. But it's a reminder that the hope of self-government survives time and tyrants. 

Jacob Turcotte/Staff

Surely, President Trump is backing the brash, flame-throwing outsider in Tuesday's Alabama Republican Senate primary, right? No. Which, in a way, pits Mr. Trump against the spirit of his own political revolution.

Christian Mang/Reuters
Workers remove an election campaign billboard showing Christian Democratic Union party leader and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in Berlin on Sept. 25, the day after the general election.

In recent years, Germany's two major parties have run the country with extraordinary civility and common purpose. But growing unease cracked that "grand coalition" in Sunday's election. The question now: How much populism is the right amount?

Bangladesh has long been synonymous with suffering and disaster. Flooding invariably meant thousands dead. But this year's death toll amid the worst floods in 40 years? 145 people. Economic development, it turns out, has dramatically changed the calculus of human life.

Number of flood occurrences, 1985-2011

World Resources Institute (http://www.wri.org/)

Jacob Turcotte/Staff
Alfredo Sosa/Staff
A volunteer weeds planting beds at Cornell University's Pounder Vegetable Garden Aug. 29 in Ithaca, N.Y. Vegetables and pollinator plants thrive in the outdoor garden, while crops struggle in the greenhouse of the nearby Climate Change Demonstration Garden.

Can a planting of onions in a university greenhouse take the anger and tears out of our climate change debates? Behold the power of botanical gardens! 

The Monitor's View

AP Photo
German Chancellor Angela Merkel of the Christian Democratic Union ponders a question during a press conference in Berlin Sept. 25., the day after the German parliamentary election.

Last spring, Europe watched with surprise as a new centrist party in France, En Marche!, defeated the two traditional parties. The election win was a signal that the French want more independence and individuality in their political identity. Now it may be Germany’s turn.

In a Sept. 24 vote for a new parliament, Germans displayed a preference for greater choice in politics by delivering a blow to the two establishment parties. The tallies show that only about 1 in 2 Germans voted for the center-right Christian Democratic Union or the center-left Social Democratic Party – far fewer than in recent decades.

And many Germans decided to cast a protest vote, which gave a lift to three smaller parties, the far-right Alternative for Germany, the free-market Free Democratic Party (FDP), and the environmentalist Greens.

The message to German leader Angela Merkel of the Christian Democrats is clear as she tries to form a new government with the Greens and FDP: The old political alignment, in which the two main parties either trade power or share it in a coalition, relies too much on a model in which professional politicians treat voters like market categories of demographics, sweeping them with broad brooms into one party or another.

In an age of Facebook and other new digital expressions of individuality, more voters see their political identity in expansive ways. They are able to quickly form political alliances online. They rely less on parties to define their aspirations.

The loose term for this is populism, which is often described as anti-elitism, but it is rooted in voters seeking political models that are not depersonalized by campaign operatives, pollsters, and the media who divvy up people by their levels of anger over divisive issues.

A similar trend can be found in another major European country. In Italy, the populist Five Star Movement of former comedian Beppe Grillo has rattled the political system. In elections next year, it could provide another example of a big upset for traditional parties.

Western democracies face many big tests, such as high public debts, middling wage growth, and a low regard for immigrants. But at a fundamental level, voters may be showing a streak of independence, driven by a desire for a new model of politics that better reflects a higher vision of themselves.

A Christian Science Perspective

About this feature

Each weekday, the Monitor includes one clearly labeled religious article offering spiritual insight on contemporary issues, including the news. The publication – in its various forms – is produced for anyone who cares about the progress of the human endeavor around the world and seeks news reported with compassion, intelligence, and an essentially constructive lens. For many, that caring has religious roots. For many, it does not. The Monitor has always embraced both audiences. The Monitor is owned by a church – The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston – whose founder was concerned with both the state of the world and the quality of available news.

These words from a poem by Robert Burns, “Man’s inhumanity to man / Makes countless thousands mourn,” describe how hearts everywhere felt when they heard the news last month of a group of teens who taunted and laughed as they watched a man drown, doing nothing to help. Turning to prayer, contributor Judy Cole was reminded of Christ Jesus’ parable of the good Samaritan, which so clearly illustrates Jesus’ words: “This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you” (John 15:12). To love – to be filled with a spiritual and pure love for our neighbor in a world where hate seems prevalent – is the only genuine way to contribute to the lessening of hate and brutality in the world. As the children of God, nothing can stop us from loving in such a powerful and healing way.

A message of love

Satish Kumar/Reuters
Dubai Crown Prince Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum sits aboard a flying taxi in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Sept. 25. The occasion: a test flight for the world’s first drone taxi service, Reuters reported. The craft – with 18 propellers – was developed by German drone firm Volocopter.
( The illustrations in today’s Monitor Daily are by Jacob Turcotte. )

A look ahead

Thank you for reading today. Come back tomorrow, when we'll look at the relationship between the United States and Puerto Rico. For years, it's been largely characterized by neglect. Might that change in the wake of hurricane Maria? 

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