This article appeared in the July 05, 2017 edition of the Monitor Daily.

Read 07/05 edition

Monitor Daily Intro for July 5, 2017

Why Poland? Why not Germany, Britain, or France?

You might look at President Trump’s visit to Poland Thursday as a warm-up to the main event: Mr. Trump’s meeting with Russia’s leader.

Poland is a good ideological fit for Trump. He has railed against NATO allies who don’t spend 2 percent of their gross domestic product on their military. Poland does.

Trump issued an executive order banning Syrian refugees. Unlike most of Europe, Poland refuses to take in Syrian refugees.

Unlike in most of Europe, Trump is popular in Poland. But just in case, the Warsaw government is busing in people from rural areas for his speech. To Trump, Poland will likely feel like a US campaign rally.

Mood set. Now the geopolitical jab: Poland is among several nations seeking more energy independence from their powerful neighbor, Russia. And the United States is helping with new gas shipments.

So, Trump’s visit to a country on Russia’s eastern flank sends a pointed message to Vladimir Putin just before the two leaders meet.

For many, that will be the big event of the week.

Now to our five stories for today.

This article appeared in the July 05, 2017 edition of the Monitor Daily.

Read 07/05 edition
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