Letters to the Editor
Electric cars beat gas ones easily
In regard to the May 5 editorial, "A yellow light for electric cars": I have been an advocate for electric vehicles for over six years and can attest that virtually all electric vehicle advocates are renewable energy advocates as well.
Even considering that electricity generated from coal and natural gas constitute most of the US grid power, electric vehicles are still considerably cleaner than gas-powered cars. Contrary to the editorial, there are many studies that prove this.
Even if there were negligible environmental benefits, it would still be better for the US to switch to electric vehicles for economic and national security reasons.
Paul Scott
President of the Electric Vehicle Association of Southern California,
Vice President of Plug In America
Santa Monica, Calif.
Rather than boo-hoo the cost of electric cars in terms of increased demand on the electrical grid and possible increased electrical prices – not to mention the increased pollution resulting from more oil and coal burning electricity plants – let's look an another solution.
Solar panels are available from Sam's Club and Costco. Why not purchase an extra solar panel and use its power-producing capabilities to power some of our other electrical needs, such as our cars?
Will Stamps
Clinton, Utah
The Chicken Little alarm in this editorial seems to be based on speculation, not real-world experience.
As someone who has driven without gasoline now for seven years and researched this issue extensively for my book, "Plug-in Hybrids," I can tell you that consumers may plug in their cars in the evening, but they don't start charging until after midnight by using a simple timer on the car. That way, they charge with cheaper, abundant, off-peak electricity.
Sherry Boschert
San Francisco
Who's at fault for credit-card woes?
Regarding the May 5 Opinion piece, "Stop feeding the loan sharks": Author Jim Sollisch and many others forget that it is their choice to not pay their balances every month and thus incur finance charges. I choose not to spend more than I can afford on any given month, and I actually make money by using my credit card and earning rewards.
It is the consumer's choice to "borrow" money from credit cards – and they are expected to pay for that right. So I assume Mr. Sollisch and his comrades are OK if they loan people money and never get paid back? That's in essence what he is suggesting. And if so – can I be first on his list for a huge loan?
Natalie Varner
Jim Sollisch has it absolutely right! As long as the public continues to pay their exorbitant interest rates and lets them get away with gouging us in whatever manner they can, the credit card companies will continue their nefarious practices.
Sarah Murnen
Kalkaska, Mich.
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