Letters to the Editor

Readers write about politicians inspiring voters beyond the ballot box, and what else the nuclear deal may bring to India.

A candidate's idealism can evoke feelings beyond results

In response to the Oct. 3 Opinion piece, "Dare I believe Obama can win?": I so rarely am moved by columns these days. So many people have an opinion on just about everything that even the Internet seems overcrowded with comments on minutia that hardly affect anyone.

That's why I'm so impressed with Courtney Martin's commentary. What struck me was how dead-on she nailed the feeling that one often has when trying to vote.

Often, voting is an exercise in faith, which is why so many people feel disenchanted. So much seems to ride on elections that when your side doesn't win, it can be crushing.

She really found a way to inspire someone. One's position on voting doesn't have to revolve around the outcome. And that's the best possible message we can send to the next generation of voters.

Jim McDermott
Orlando, Fla.

I was a late supporter of Barack Obama. It was his policies and action plans that won me over. Now my hopes and heart are roused by his vision.

I saw Senator Obama at the Colorado State Fairgrounds in Pueblo. I knew I would probably vote for him before I went to the rally. However, it was Obama's supporters who won me over completely.

I saw among them the seasoned and the idealistic, the very young and the elderly, the vigorous and the disabled. Naturally, I also saw great ethnic and racial diversity. I wanted to stand in solidarity with them.

Superficially, I have more in common with Sarah Palin – being her age, her race, and an outdoorswoman. It's the hope for progress, greater liberty, and pride that pulls me toward Obama, though.

Hope is powerful and positive. Let's make our hopes and vision thrive no matter what happens on Nov. 4.

Grace Katherine Anderson
Crestone, Colo.

I don't want some politician to "invoke my higher self." I just want legal, constitutional government. Is that too much to ask?

Aren't we a nation of laws, not of men? As a nation, we are now run by powerful outlaws who break the law with impunity.

There is no USA as described by the Constitution; there is now only the latest gang of pirates who have hijacked the ship of state. And Obama and McCain want to lead that gang.

Let Jesus and Buddha invoke my higher self; they aren't backed by an army.

Rocky Frisco
Tulsa, Okla.

India about more than nukes

Regarding the Oct. 3 article, "India nuclear deal: Big step on long road": The emphasis the article places on the possibilities of nuclear trade with India for the US is welcome. But it would be prudent to remember that in India, the deal is being justified as a qualitative shift in Indo-US relations.

What is not being talked about is the advantage the deal would give India in positioning itself as a major power in South Asia. It implies a quantum jump and qualitative improvements in trade and commerce, technological and scientific development, as well as investment in industry, agriculture, and the services sector.

The Indian government has staked its survival on the success of the deal. How the US government addresses these Indian expectations will show the real spirit behind the deal.

Ashim Kumar Chatterjee
Delhi, India

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