Protests of Truth

When we trust and affirm the spiritual truth of harmonious being, we see natural adjustments to situations that seem discordant.

Christian Science Perspective audio edition
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How do we know the difference between truth and a lie? With various sources purporting to report the truth but each recounting very different versions of events, how can we know what is fact and what is fiction? Is there a reliable source?

Centuries ago, Christ Jesus said, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). He knew the truth of God’s loving control so thoroughly that he could calm a storm, comfort and heal others, even overcome death, amid the political, religious, and social upheavals of his day. But this knowing was far beyond a blind belief or intellectual understanding. He was standing for what is divinely real in the face of any contrary evidence.

“Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy explains how we, too, can do this today. It says, “It is neither Science nor Truth which acts through blind belief, nor is it the human understanding of the divine healing Principle as manifested in Jesus, whose humble prayers were deep and conscientious protests of Truth, – of man’s likeness to God and of man’s unity with Truth and Love” (p. 12).

Jesus’ bold “protests of Truth” challenged the claims of evil, healing and blessing others. He showed humanity what Truth, God, actually is.

I’ve had occasion to practice such protests. In one case, at the company where I was working, lies resulted in significant financial losses in a business transaction. My prayers showed me that I could confront with a mental protest every lie that surfaced.

I saw that lies are baseless. Where do they come from? Not from God. There are certainly significant challenges in the world that we cannot ignore. And we need to have compassion and care for all who are struggling, just as Jesus did. But sadness and suffering – and even the temptation to deceive – result from a false concept of the universe, a false belief about what has substance and reality.

The second and subsequent chapters in the Bible’s book of Genesis illustrate the fundamental lie that men and women are separated from God and exist in a world of sorrow and shame. But Jesus exposed this lie by being such a clear witness to man’s oneness with God that his healing ministry couldn’t be stopped by political turmoil, religious doctrines, or storms of any kind. His deep trust in and reliance on God had a practical effect on human experience, destroying every kind of lie or wrong that he encountered, even the lie that life comes to an end; he rose from the tomb.

In my business situation, I knew that lies could not linger or boast control in business or political maneuvering, nor could they defeat peace and progress. In reality, right where the turmoil appeared to be, Christ, the divine idea of God, was operating to adjust human circumstances.

Several employees lost their jobs as a result of their actions, and long investigations followed. It fell to me to resolve many lingering issues and move forward business transactions that needed to proceed. The work required my consistent acceptance of the power of Truth to override loss, dishonesty, and turbulence that surfaced. Silent protests of man’s likeness to and unity with God increasingly brought to light the best means for corrective action and insightful solutions.

I was also able to see that the people involved in the deception were, in fact, children of God, despite the mistakes that appeared to rob them of knowing their divine heritage. The claims between the company and those employees were resolved without litigation. During this process, I was fully protected.

The company’s board chairman stated in a letter to me that my high ethical and moral standards had been critical in helping the organization uncover what had happened in this ordeal. This recognition felt like concrete evidence of the power of prayerfully insisting on what is divinely true.

As a result of this experience, I grew stronger in my understanding that every mistaken concept dissolves as man’s unity with God is steadfastly affirmed with clear conviction, whether this involves political or religious issues, individual experience, or health. We are able, with the thoughts divine Mind provides to all of us each moment, to trust that Christ will communicate specific spiritual ideas that dissolve lies. Our prayers, our “deep and conscientious protests of Truth,” lead us to the correct response when confronted with falsehood. Right adjustments are assured because, silently or audibly, as wisdom directs, Truth speaks louder than the noise of any storm.

Adapted from an article published in the June 12, 2023, issue of the Christian Science Sentinel.

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About a year ago, I happened upon this statement about the Monitor in the Harvard Business Review – under the charming heading of “do things that don’t interest you”:

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