How I’m praying for my home country, Brazil

Amid news reports of turmoil in Brasilia, a woman from Brazil shares inspiration that has brought hope and fueled her prayers.

Christian Science Perspective audio edition
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I grew up in Brazil, where rioters recently stormed government buildings in Brasilia, the capital, and turmoil is ongoing.

In responding to this discouraging news, I’ve turned to something that has been a valuable part of my daily life since my early adolescence: prayer. The prayers I’ve found most helpful are based on the Bible – particularly Christ Jesus’ teachings – and the book “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” by the discoverer of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy.

In one passage, Science and Health explains this statement from the Bible’s book of Isaiah: “I make peace, and create evil” (45:7). This verse may seem confusing, because evil is opposed to peace. And both cannot come from the God who is good, in the same way that we don’t expect apples and oranges to come from the same tree. Mrs. Eddy’s explanation is illuminating: “... the prophet referred to divine law as stirring up the belief in evil to its utmost, when bringing it to the surface and reducing it to its common denominator, nothingness” (p. 540).

Because God is infinite good, evil has no validity, no part of spiritual reality. There is only goodness – and the consciousness of divine goodness is perfect peace. Divine law governs man – which includes everyone, in our true nature as God’s spiritual sons and daughters – and sustains intelligence, balance, and peace.

And even when the world around us indicates otherwise, glimpsing something of this divine law can come naturally to each of us, opening our eyes to what is right, guiding us to correct, peaceful, and respectful actions that conform more fully to our true, spiritual nature.

So my prayer in response to whatever seems to violate the innate divine right that every man and woman has to experience freedom and peace includes affirming that divine Mind, God, can never lose its control over the universe. Nothing untruthful said or done can become truth. No one is incapable of discerning the divine Mind. Expressing dominion – a term used in Genesis 1 to indicate our ability to overcome whatever isn’t good – includes respectfulness, intelligence, self-control. These are innate qualities in each of us that can come to fruition at any moment.

The Bible gives examples of this, such as David, who committed adultery with another man’s wife and then sent that man to the front line of battle to die, but later repented and continued his reign as a great king (see II Samuel 11); and Saul (who became known as Paul), who persecuted followers of Jesus but was then healed of blindness and transformed, going on to widely spread Jesus’ teachings.

In my own life, I’ve become noticeably calmer and more respectful of others through growing in my understanding of God as infinite Love, as a Father-Mother always willing and able to guide and heal.

Each of us can pray to see injustice and violence replaced with greater peace in the world, recognizing that each one of us, across the entire planet – regardless of ideology or background – can have our eyes opened by divine Love to feel and express true freedom and harmony.

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