God is loving you now
“God must really love me!” says the title of a country song made popular by Craig Morgan and written by Jim Collins and Troy Verges. The song tells the story of the trouble a man has been in, and how God has forgiven him.
How very true it is that God does love us and that He is a forgiving God. I like to review the many times in the Bible where God’s love has shone through. The most notable to me is the parable of the prodigal son who came back after spending all his inheritance, wishing only to be a servant in his father’s house (see Luke 15:11-32, New King James Version). He came back ready to tell his father, “I am no more worthy to be called your son.” But his father welcomed him with love and forgiveness.
The older son had been the "good" son, staying home and working for his father, and he resented all the attention given to his brother. This parable included a hard concept for me to understand. It didn’t seem fair that the son who went off for fun should come home and have a feast set before him, and a ring and robe put on him with much ceremony. Was the older son being selfish, thinking in essence, “Why him and why not me? I’ve been good but you haven’t given me anything!”
But the father replied, “Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours.” God’s light is always shining on each of us, whether we are off somewhere finding our way, or if we stay put. When the sun is shining, it shines on all of us.
During my late teens, I thought I would find more fun and a better life by moving away from my family. The opportunity came and I packed up and moved to Hollywood to live with some fellow dancers. One night away from the comfort and serenity of my family was all it took. The next morning I repacked and returned home feeling ashamed. But there was no scolding – just lots of love expressed. It’s an experience that has stayed with me over the years, especially when caring for my own children.
However dark the road, or however far away the lights of home may seem, we have only to turn toward our Father-Mother God and turn away from any thought that would rob us of our happiness. We are already embraced by Love, a synonym for God, because Love is never separated from its own reflection. What is true of God is true of each of us as His ideas, His spiritual reflection.
Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered and founded Christian Science, wrote: “We are hungry for Love, for the white-winged charity that heals and saves; we are tired of theoretic husks, – as tired as was the prodigal son of the carobs which he shared with the swine, to whom he fed that wholesome but unattractive food. Like him, we would find our Father’s house again – the perfect and eternal Principle of man” (“Miscellaneous Writings 1883-1896,” p. 369).
Our Father really does love us all!
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