Love leads you

A Christian Science perspective: We can lean on divine Love to guide us in the right direction, especially in times of trouble, as this author found in the aftermath of an earthquake that struck her community.

There are times when we hear of disasters or tragedies either at home, in our neighborhood, or in other countries, and we may wonder what we can do to help. The lingering question, Where do we go from here? is often answered through prayer. Turning to God is effective and far-reaching. As with others around the world, this has been proved many times in our family as well.

There is great comfort in hymns that support our prayers, such as one found in the “Christian Science Hymnal.” Part of it says that Love, another name for God, “leads us on” (Frances R. Havergal, No. 65). We can lean on Love to guide us in the right direction, especially in times of trouble.

The hymn goes on to speak of the fullness of God’s blessing, the tenderness that surrounds us and leads out of despair and sadness into the fullness of God’s love. This love embraces everyone and brings peace and freedom.

Some years ago, there was a huge earthquake in our area. Homes, roads, and structures were damaged. During the shaking, my husband and I ran to the children’s room to protect them, while at the same time praying the Lord’s Prayer. Christ Jesus provided this prayer for all. It tells us that God is constantly caring for us and protecting us.

Our family was kept safe during the earthquake and there was little damage to our home, so we felt impelled to help others. We loaded our van with tools and drove with our four little boys 50 miles, to an area that had been hit pretty hard. Not only were we able to help physically by picking up bricks and clearing driveways, but the cheerful attitude of the children was a comfort to those who needed a great deal of assistance. We felt that it was Love leading us on.

“The healing power is Truth and Love, and these do not fail in the greatest emergencies,” wrote Mary Baker Eddy, who founded the Monitor (“Miscellaneous Writings 1883-1896,” p. 5). And she said in “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” that Spirit, another name for God, “blesses man, but man cannot ‘tell whence it cometh.’ By it the sick are healed, the sorrowing comforted, and the sinning are reformed. These are the effects of one universal God, the invisible good dwelling in eternal Science” (p. 78).

We will be able to rise above any challenge that confronts us because God, divine Truth and Love and Spirit, is fully in control. In God’s kingdom joy and harmony reign, dispelling sadness and anger. Praying with divine truths and making them practical in our lives strengthens us and enables us to face down fear.

Even in times of trial we can look for evidence of God’s goodness and harmony. Letting the healing truth into our thought brings peace and comfort. Jesus kept his thought firmly settled in God. He proved the power of Spirit, the peace of the Comforter.

The healing touch of the Christ is here for us all. We don’t have to wait for it to come. We are never cut off from the grace of God. No despair, grief, or helplessness is beyond healing. God gives us courage and grace to go forward.

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