Five ways to store your data outside the cloud

Still a little weary of the cloud? We understand. For those of you who like the comfort of having a physical backup, here are five ways to store your data outside the cloud. 

Wally Santana/AP Photo/File
Microsoft Corporation's Vice President John Kalkman addresses the unlimited opportunities for software manufacturers in the emerging "Cloud" computing during a conference, in Taipei, Taiwan. Don't quite trust the cloud? There are other data back-up options out there.

No matter how big and nimbus-like the cloud is getting these days, we understand the comfort of having a physical backup of all your videos, photos, music, and more. As such, we've rounded up an assortment of mostly Editors' Choice data storage deals, from flash drives to micro SD cards, to a 128GB SSD for Macbooks and a portable 3TD HDD.

  • HP 500GB Portable USB 3.0 External Hard Drive bundled with Total Defense Premium Internet Security
    Store: TigerDirect
    Price: $19.99 via $60 mail-in rebate with about $4 s&h
    Lowest By: $66
    Expires: October 31

    Is It Worth It?: We remember when creating a backup of our computer meant inserting a tape into the tower and waiting about an hour for the hard drive to copy itself. Thankfully this Editors' Choice 500GB portable drive can do the job much more quickly... and economically. After the$60 rebate, you'll spend just $0.04/GB for this hard drive and bundled software.

    Note that Total Defense Premium Internet Security must be activated before the rebate can be redeemed, which involves providing your credit card information. However, you can cancel the service at any time within the first year without incurring any additional charges.

  • Western Digital 3TB Red Serial ATA 6Gb/s Internal Hard Drive
    Store: TigerDirect
    Price: $109.99 via $30 mail-in rebate with free shipping
    Lowest By: $15
    Expires: November 1

    Is It Worth It?: If you're in need of more internal storage, then look no further than this 3TB hard drive. As an Editors' Choice, this Red serial ATA hard drive will set you back little green: just $0.04/GB; that's the best price we've ever seen for this model. It's optimized for use in NAS systems that have one to five drive bays and features a 64MB cache. 

  • Tribeca Sons of Anarchy Bullet 8GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive
    Store: Best Buy
    Price: $3.99 with in-store pickup
    Lowest By: $2

    Is It Worth It?: OK, we know it might be a little too early to think about Christmas, but we know a good stocking stuffer/White Elephant gift when we see it! This Editors' Choice thumb drive is styled in the shape of a bullet and pays homage to TV show Sons of Anarchy. But it's also a steal at $4, or $0.50/GB.

  • Toshiba 1.5TB Canvio Basics Portable USB 3.0 External Hard Drive
    Store: newegg
    Price: $69.99 via coupon code "EMCWXVR62" with free shipping
    Lowest By: $20
    Expires: October 31

    Is It Worth It?: A few generations ago, you'd need a room the size of a gymnasium to fit 1.5TB of data. Now all your data can fit inside of this portable hard drive the size of a paperback. What's more, the 1.5TB of space boils down to a mere $0.05/GB and earns itself an Editors' Choice laurel. This USB-powered drive features an 8MB cache and runs at 5400rpm.

  • G.SKILL 32GB microSDHC Class 6 Secure Digital High-Capacity Card
    Store: newegg
    Price: $17.99 with 99-cent s&h
    Lowest By: $4

    Is It Worth It?: It sometimes amazes us that we can fit so much data onto such tiny devices. This micro SDHC is no exception! Perfect for mobile phones, digital cameras, digital music players, GPS, automotive recorders, and camcorders, it's 10% of the size of an SD card, and $0.59/GB.

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