Reich: Gabrielle Giffords 'tougher than nails'
“Be careful of yourself,” I told Gabby last March, after the front glass door and a window at her Tucson congressional office were shattered. The attack came the same evening — Sunday, March 21 — she and other House Democrats voted for the health care law.
She laughed. “I’m tougher than nails. Nothing’s gonna stop me.”
This week House Republicans have scheduled a vote to repeal that same health care law. Unfortunately Gabby won’t be there to reaffirm her original vote. Ten days ago a bullet fired at close range passed through her skull.
Yet Gabby continues to be tougher than nails. Her condition was just downgraded from critical to serious. She’ll survive, and she’ll continue to represent the people of the 8th district of Arizona with her courage and conviction.
Nothing will stop her.
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