Median pay: $100,000
Median base salary: $85,000
Job openings on Glassdoor: 300
There are more high-paying positions available than just doctor or lawyer.
Glassdoor, a jobs and recruiting site, recently compiled a list of ten positions that pay on average more than $100,000 a year. The list includes the average salary and average base pay, which Glassdoor calculated using salaries reported to the website between 2014 and 2016. The number of job openings for each position reflect the number of job openings for the position on Glassdoor's site as of July 2016. Many, but not all, of these positions require at least an undergraduate degree.
A position as an equity research associate involves evaluating companies' financial portfolios and using economic models to create financial forecasts. As an equity research associate, one would work for a brokerage or analyst firm and make recommendations to buy or sell stock. Typically, a degree in economics, business, or finance is needed.
Now is a favorable time to be looking for a job as the US continues in one of the longest job creation streaks in its history, approximately 77 months long. After some trepidation surrounding the possible after-effects of Britain's Brexit from the European Union, the US Labor Department reported that the July jobs report continued that streak apace. Employers created 255,000 jobs in July, and the unemployment rate remained low at 4.9 percent after hitting a record low in April.
Almost 15 million jobs have been added to the market since 2010. The US also experienced wage growth in July, up 0.3 percent since June. According to RBC Capital Markets, the US could see the biggest wage growth from 2010 to 2020 since the 1960s.