Richland, Wash., is the home to the only nuclear reactor in the state – Columbia (WNP-2). The reactor is located on the Hanford site, which was built in 1943 as part of the Manhattan Project. The reactors at the site created the plutonium for the bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan, during World War II. Nine other nuclear reactors on the site have been decommissioned. The reactor has more backup systems than Japan's Fukushima Daiichi and was built to handle a magnitude 6.9 earthquake, the maximum quake projected to hit the area. But scientists are finding new faults in the region that could generate bigger earthquakes.

Steve Ringman/AP/File
This photo taken Nov. 15, 2010, shows one of Hanford's 'tank farms,' where some of the site's 53 million gallons of nuclear waste is stored below ground in giant, aging steel-and-concrete tanks, in Richland, Wash.