In its 80-plus year history, the Rolls-Royce Ghost has never been recalled. Much of the engine technology comes from BMW's 7 series, so has been tried and tested. Says Road Test Reports, "When it comes to build quality, there probably isn’t another carmaker that can boast a reputation like Rolls-Royce’s. It’s a reputation that’s entirely justified, as the car has the kind of solidity we have come to expect in a Roller and a fit and finish that are extraordinarily good." Safety features include cameras to give a fish-eye view at blind corners, an infrared night-vision camera that can peer 1,000 feet ahead, a lane-drift warning system, and a computer that communicates between the brakes and steering to handle curves safely and swiftly.

A11 / ZUMA Press / Newscom / File
Models unveil the 2010 Rolls-Royce Ghost at the IAA International Car Fair in Frankfurt, Germany, in September 2009.