Top 10 best value private colleges in America

#1 – Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa.

Chris Gardner / AP / File
Swarthmore College football players and other students staged a sit-in at the college's administrative offices building on Dec. 5, 2000. The students were protesting the school's plan to eliminate its NCAA Division III varsity football team, ending 121 years of tradition and the nation's 15th-oldest college football program.

Swarthmore's sticker price of $52,570 is right at the average of the Top 10, but its need-based and merit-based financial aid knock it down to about $19,000. Students typically graduate from Swat, as the small college is known, with about $16,000 in student loan debt. Founded by Quakers in 1864, Swat has been coeducational from the beginning.

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