Ultimate Harry Potter/Twilight trivia

One last update on the Seattle public debate as to whether "Harry Potter" or "Twilight" is the best series: Some trivia questions on both books were withheld the night of the debate as they were judged to be too difficult.

But now Team Read, the group sponsoring the debate is releasing them. If you are a "Harry Potter" or "Twilight" fan, you can test your expertise by attempting to answer the following questions:

Ultimate Harry Potter Trivia:

How many horcruxes did Voldemort make?
What are the distinct markings on Minerva McGonagall’s animagus form?
Where are bezoars naturally found?

Ultimate Twilight Trivia:

Who was the third vampire to join Carlisle Cullen’s coven?
Where does Alice meet Jasper for the first time?
How many humans has Rosalie killed?

And one final Harry Potter question:

What is the most dangerous creature in the Harry Potter universe? (Hint, it’s not a death eater)

Answers will be posted on the Team Read website (www.teamread.org) on Wednesday, April 1.

The "Harry Potter vs. Twilight" debate was held at Seattle's Central Library on March 21. Hundreds of young readers turned up (and others participated online) as the debaters argued their cases as to whether J.K. Rowling's boy wizard Harry Potter books or the Twilight teen vampire books by Stephenie Meyer is the better series.

The audience gave the nod to Harry Potter, voting 120 to 40 as the better series.

Team Read is a non-profit after school tutoring program in Seattle, Washington that pairs struggling elementary school readers with trained middle- and high-school-aged tutors.

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