'Stressed out' teens

Being “stressed out” seems to have become synonymous with high school now that college admissions are more competitive than ever and the modern pace of life has made teens as anxious as CEOs.

This may be one reason that reading among teens appears to be on the rise. According to Newsweek , young-adult fiction is enjoying “a second golden age.” The article cites a survey from the Children’s Book Council that reports fiction sales for ages 12-18 have increased more than 25 percent in the past few years, and it isn’t all Harry Potter. Adding to the increase might have something to do with the fact that libraries and bookstores are recognizing that YA titles need their own space and shouldn't just get lumped in with children's literature. Can you imagine sharing your teenage bedroom with a younger sibling? This is a trend we can all applaud.

Shift” by Jennifer Bradbury might be a welcome escape for teens who rather hit the road on a cross-country bike trip than worry about how they will fit in as college freshman next fall. Why fret just yet? School doesn’t start for another few months. Plenty of time to get lost on your bike or in a really good summertime read.

Marjorie Kehe is on vacation this week.

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