Classics on the cheap
Barnes & Noble is celebrating the fifth anniversary of its Classics Series with a "buy two get one" free offer. If you've got any holes in your library, this would certainly be an inexpensive way to fill them.
They are also offering three different collections of classics at discounted prices. Their entire classics series is available at $869.95 (that's 200 volumes) and would be great for a school. For a home library, however, I'd say the best deal is six books for $29.95. That would be "Great Expectations," "Jane Eyre," "Don Quixote," "Moby Dick," "Brothers Karamazov," and "War and Peace."
That's actually pretty amazing when you consider that in plenty of places you couldn't buy three movie tickets for that price. I don't have children or grandchildren but if I did, I'd consider $29.95 well spent just to know I had put those titles somewhere in their general proximity.