Pippa Middleton dropped by her literary agent. Why?

Pippa Middleton and David Goodwin have parted ways. Pippa Middleton's first book was a flop. But you haven't seen the last of Pippa Middleton and her writing.

(AP Photo/Darron Cummings)
Pippa Middleton watches the quarterfinals match between Roger Federer, of Switzerland, and Tomas Berdych, of Czech Republic, at the U.S. Open tennis tournament last September in New York.

Pippa Middleton has been rather unceremoniously dumped by her British literary agent.

David Goodwin, who masterminded an extraordinary $640,000 advance on Ms. Middleton's first book, told the Daily Mail: ‘I am very sorry it has happened, but yes, it is true: I no longer represent Pippa and I wish her every good luck.’ 

Why is the sister of the Duchess of Cambridge no longer worthy of Mr. Goodwin's attention?

For starters, they were an odd couple. Goodwin's clients tend to be literary heavyweights, not newly minted royal celebrities. His stable includes biographer Claire Tomalin, novelist Vikram Seth, and historian William Dalrympl.

And while Goodwin secured a massive advance for Middleton, sales of her book, "Celebrate: A Year of British Festivities for Families and Friends," were a flop. Was that poor management of the marketing or just a lousy product?

While Pippa was excoriated in the British press for simply cashing in on her fame and offering simplistic recipes and party ideas, The Christian Science Monitor's food writer, was willing to give the book a chance in her review. After all, Middleton does bring some experience working in her family's  party planning business.

"Pippa's recipes directly reflect who she is and where she is in her life – a young, single, urban woman with a background in party planning who happens to be experiencing unprecedented global attention. The recipes in "Celebrate" are simple and yet they are more creative than just pouring out a bag of chips and popping open a jar of salsa. Think: Witches' fingers cheese straws for Halloween and red and orange stuffed peppers for Bonfire night."

Alas book buyers were not as generous. Sales didn't materialize. Apparently it takes more than a famous name to sell a book. But never mind. Pippa's days as an author aren't over yet.

The sister of the Duchess of Cambridge will soon have a monthly column in a British supermarket chain's magazine, Waitrose Kitchen. The cooking and party planning tips column will be called "Pippa's Friday Night Feasts."

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