On High Ground
A Newspaper recently reported how a horse that had fallen into a ditch had been rescued by the fire brigade. A fire engine was placed on firm, high ground; from this position ropes were lowered and tied around the horse, and it was gently lifted out.
The article stressed that the fire engine had to be on the firm, high ground - otherwise, the rescue would have been impossible. If the engine had gone down into the ditch with the horse, it would have been of no help whatsoever.
People often go down into their problems, instead of positioning themselves mentally on high ground and taking a strong stand for solving them. We are on high, firm ground when we turn to God. Turning from whatever is disturbing us and looking to Him for direction, we are lifted up spiritually, enlightened mentally, and must feel and see the difference this makes in our lives.
The human mind hasn't got all the answers because of its finite nature. On the other hand, the divine Mind, God, is all-knowing and omnipotent. Divine intelligence is infinite. That means it never tires, never wears out, never comes to an end. The divine Mind just takes us higher. "Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures," the Christian Science textbook, written by Mary Baker Eddy, says, "Material sense does not unfold the facts of existence; but spiritual sense lifts human consciousness into eternal Truth" (Pg. 95).
Spiritual sense is something we realize we have by gaining mental altitude. Letting go of fear, resentment, intellectual wrestling, and human planning and outlining raises our thought to higher levels of trust and leads us in the currents of health. New impetus comes to the thought of one who is conscious of God's power and aware of his or her unbroken link to God. We feel God's presence when we seek this spiritual view of being. Just as a plant turns naturally toward the light, turning toward spiritual being is a natural thing for us to do, and in it we are strengthened and uplifted.
A view from an airplane is very different from a view at the ground - it is more comprehensive and expansive. That's another difference between taking the spiritual view and being grounded with the material view of ourselves, which falsely represents us as separate from good, separate from God.
When we look to God, who is our divine source, we are looking to the infinite, and we come to identify ourselves with all that is good and true. God, the divine Mind, is identifying you correctly every moment as His image, giving you His "seal of approval" and keeping you as the "apple of his eye."
Christian Science, which Mrs. Eddy discovered in 1866, reveals your spotless, spiritual nature, which is never defiled or debased, no matter what your past history may indicate. Christian Science concurs with the scriptural representation of man, as described in this verse from Jeremiah: "Yea, I [God] have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee" (31:3). Christ Jesus proved this love to be real and practical.
We are the very reflection of Love, a name synonymous with God. There is no disease or danger in this spiritual reflection. The kingdom of God is, in fact, right here, active within your consciousness, and it is the Word of God that reveals it.
A friend of mine was healed of severe food poisoning through this understanding. When he began experiencing symptoms that included the loss of consciousness, his wife telephoned a Christian Scientist friend for prayerful treatment. Almost immediately my friend began to feel better, and in a matter of a few hours he was healed. He was so impressed that he asked his friend how he had prayed for him. He said he had prayed by realizing that, God being All, this man was His beloved reflection, always held perfect in God, always God's image. Nothing could poison God's image or stop His reflection. This describes the way to rest on the firm, high ground of spiritual truth.
Prayer supports us under all circumstances when we turn to it. Like the fire engine, we can take the strong position of remaining above the problem. We can be of sure and effective help through relying on God.