Qaddafi's deceitful game
The article ``Strain of Isolation Compels Qaddafi to Approach US,'' Nov. 9, omits how the government in Tripoli, Libya, through second and third parties, has managed to get around the sanctions. The story is also mistaken in a number of aspects. The sanctions were imposed by the United Nations, not the United States. The year was 1993, not 1973. And 270 people were murdered at Lockerbie in the 1988 Pan Am bombing, not 259.
Yet the author is correct in pointing out that the Libyan government (along with agents of Syria and Iran) is believed to be directly responsible for this and other terrorist attacks. For this reason, Libyan leader Col. Muammar Qaddafi prefers to keep his indicted agents out of the hands of British and American investigators, with whom they might decide to cooperate.
Six years have passed and it's time for the US and Britain to act more decisively. That not only would bring justice for the families of the victims, but would send a warning to anyone else who contemplates blowing up a plane. Harris O. Schoenberg, New York International Council of B'nai B'rith
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