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This special report presents a sector-by-sector look at US infrastructure, focusing on four areas: Highways and bridges -- Federal legislation has boosted spending, but the state and local governments that have to foot most of the construction and rehabilitation bills are strapped. A new era of privatization of public roads may be imminent. Experts look at test projects and the potential of privatization (Page 10). Ports -- Many modes of transportation have to connect through a port. Shipping, rail, airline, and trucking services have to come together to keep exports and imports moving. In the Port of New York and Newark aggressive infrastructure improvements at dockside are helping to keep the regional economy competitive in global markets (this page). Airports -- Anyone who has circled endlessly over an airport, only to land and sit in the plane on the tarmac until a gate opens up knows the frustrating results of inadequate and poorly managed facilities. Experts look at a series of steps to reduce congestion without jacking up airfares and driving customers away (Page 11). Railroads -- After recovering some of their vitality over the last decade, rail companies are pouring resources into rebuilding tracks and catching up on deferred maintenance (Page 12).