* THIS WEEK Olympics (CBS, daily): Check local listings for periodic live and taped coverage from Albertville, France.
Garrison Keillor's Hello Love (PBS, 9-10 p.m.): Radio's best-known voice takes another excursion into TV. This Valentine's Day special is full of down-home humor, music, and monologues of the kind Keillor made so popular on Minnesota Public Radio, which produced this show. Standing on stage in front of a mike and before an audience, with a sound-effects person at his side, Keillor explores a typically reminiscent and often humorous theme of love and affection. He offers sketches from his classic radio se ries, "A Prairie Home Companion," and brings on Emmylou Harris and her Angel Band - joining them at one point.
Ghostbusters II (ABC, 9-11:15 p.m.): They're back in New York to rescue the city again - Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd, Sigourney Weaver, et al - in this 1989 sequel having its network debut. After lying low for five years, the paranormal police return to active duty to deal with a slime crisis, getting some of their laughs with lines about the non-ghostly perils of life in the Big Apple.
New Hampshire Primary:
Coverage of the returns from the presidential primary will vary station to station, with full-length network reports during the evening.
Please check local listings for all programs, especially those on PBS.