Tiger Eyes, by Judy Blume. Scarsdale, N.Y.: Bradbury Press, Inc. 206 pp. $ 9.95.

''Tiger Eyes'' won't raise readers' eyebrows as much as some of top-ranked author Judy Blume's other best-selling and controversial children's books, which explore topics like teen-age sex, puberty, and peer cruelty.Her newest book deals with the more adult subjects of fear and violence. A man is killed during a hold-up at his store. Through the eyes of his daughter, Davey, we see the ensuing struggle each family member makes to overcome fear and a feeling of loss.This emotional book keeps us in suspense as the night of the tragedy is revealed - what the family did together, where Davey was when her father was shot, and what is in a grocery bag that Davey keeps hidden.We get to know Davey well in this book. But Ms. Blume's consistent failing is that most of the other characters are stereotyped and predictable - a flaw common to her other 14 books.''Tiger Eyes'' may not be as popular with readers as some other Blume books. It deals with an ugly subject and could create unnecessary fears in some young people.

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QR Code to Tiger Eyes, by Judy Blume. Scarsdale, N.Y.: Bradbury Press, Inc. 206 pp. $ 9.95.
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